
All posts for the day July 30th, 2014

Happy National Lipstick Day

Published July 30, 2014 by beverlysbeautybliss


Wow!  I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since my last blog post.  Geez how embarassing.  I’ve been really lazy and I don’t wanna make excuses for it.
I’ll try my best this time. Really.  No more excuses.
Anyway,  I’ve been totally addicted to Instagram makeup posts lately. Thus,  the inspiration for this. Haha
I guess this is the perfect timing to start anew. It’s the National Lipstick Day! Hahaha
But seriously,  seeing all the amazing talent and works of different Makeup Artists on Instagram and Youtube gave me the motivation to start again. This is my dream.  MAKEUP.  My art and my passion. I know it’s not too late for me.  I still have all the time in the world.  But I gotta start now.  I gotta work hard for it.  AGAIN.  I gotta maintain the hunger and the love for this craft.  There’s no way I’m gonna achieve what I want if I sit on this lazy ass.  I want my dreams to happen.  I’ll fight for it.
